use bit

英 [juːz bɪt] 美 [juːz bɪt]

网络  使用位; 每页有一个使用标志位; 如使用位; 使用位元; 一使用位



  1. By default the IBM Cognos BI server install is configured to use the 32 bit Report Service.
  2. In this case, you use something a bit more powerful: PHP's preg_replace, which takes a regular expression as its search term.
  3. Use the drill bit included in the Micro Sensor Skull Bolt Kit to perform a cranial ostomy.
  4. If you use a bit of elbow grease you'll get the floor clean.
  5. You can use only one bit rate for variable bit rate encoding. Remove all but one of the bit rates from your profile.
  6. This town could use a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think?
  7. You cannot use variable bit rate encoding with uncompressed video.
  8. This is a Teflon tubing, use a bit of lube to slide it over and into the tail carbon rod.
  9. They issue the standard almost all business ground of make use of every bit of time or space moved China.
  10. In the studio, we mic the guitar and then use a bit of direct source from the pickups.
  11. A bigger problem is, when the student used wrong filename, marker can not even use the last bit of automatic tool, and should find the files manually.
  12. Motorcycles can make use of every bit of space, not bothered by traffic. A perforated board into which pins are manually inserted to control the operation of equipment.
  13. And some use a bit of both.
  14. A good way to help you to improve drilling technique is to use a jet bit.
  15. It is most important to use the drill bit that comes with the fiber optic catheter.
  16. Use a bit of the longest reverb on all the major elements of the track to tie all the environments together.
  17. Thi is an example of an even-parity format, but other computers use the check bit to produce an oll parity.
  18. Use a bit stop while drilling.
  19. And in particular, I'm going to cheat slightly I'm going to use a little bit of abusive mathematics, but I'm going to show you a trick to figure it out.
  20. And now let's just use the little bit of physical intuition that we're thinking about here, to refine this just a little bit.
  21. Because computer is flimsier, want to use bit better thing to flow so, of course express is better.
  22. All I'm saying is I could use a little bit of help.
  23. Collection of hand-drawing, we want to use a little bit!
  24. It is a higher demand for computer system to use bit in storing image data. Image stored in lattice is not suitable for drawing output and the management of graphics, so there are many compressed algorithm and standards for storage and manipulation to the digital image.
  25. Use Bit-Reverse Loop to realize the optimization of Bit-scramble algorithm in FFT
  26. This paper presents a new binary search algorithm which makes use of bit message to delimit the searching scope.
  27. The proposed algorithm makes enough use of bit matrix-stored technology, and combines the bottom-up and top-down. Efficiency of algorithm is more high, cost of I/ O and CPU time is reduced remarkably.
  28. Because of the modulation technology, it makes Sigma-Delta ADC allow to use one bit comparator, and it has simplified the circuit of the analog part greatly.
  29. Algorithm use bit operation to vastly calculate pixel cover area, and the brightness levels is up to 2~ n ( n for the sub-pixel digits, usually n get 8).